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1Hypo Niederösterreich222200824:36:00+36144
2SC witasek Ferlach221624647:33:00+12634
37DROPS WAT Atzgersdorf221525646:52:00+10632
4UHC Müllner Bau Stockerau221048561:35:00-2324
5HIB Handball Graz2211110587:36:00-5923
6U. heinekingmedia Korneuburg2210210612:51:00-4922
7Greenpower JAGS Roomz Hotels228410588:52:00-1320
8BT Füchse Style your Smile228212553:08:00-6518
9UHC Gartenstadt Tulln226214583:30:00-5714
10HC Sparkasse BW Feldkirch226115536:03:00-7713
11MGA Fivers225215553:18:00-7512
12Union St. Pölten Frauen223217505:09:00-1758
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